PJM Copyright is one of those rare does that every breeder wishes they could have in their arsenal of goats. F05 is a daughter of the famed SKY Blue’s Copyright, owned by PJ Murphy. Copyright was a buck that sent many bucks to different Buck challenges over the years. Since 2012, his bucks have stood out and he is truly a “Man among boys”!
This doe has sired two kid crops for me. In 2018 she sired a doeling paired with MCR RingLeader D10 and produced a phenomenal doeling( HSR 187 Dale’s Ginny). This year I am excited to see how F05’s twins sired by RMC Showdown in 2019 will perform on the farm. Keep an eye out for HSR 236 doeling and HSR P139 buckling (who is going to the Langston Buck challenge).
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